#12: I Once Was an Atheist: the Thoughts I Had on My Journey from Belief in Atheism to Belief in the Biblical God, and the Feasibility of God’s Existence

#12: I Once Was an Atheist: the Thoughts I Had on My Journey from Belief in Atheism to Belief in the Biblical God, and the Feasibility of God’s Existence

This may be the best of all my blog posts – but it’s a work that’s still in progress; I posted this latest update on June 11th, 2023. (I first put this online on February 5th.) There will be more updates; I’ll be adding to this over the next few months, until it’s in its final form. I’m releasing this early, while it’s still a rough draft, because this information is vital for anyone concerned about God’s existence and identity. Continue reading #12: I Once Was an Atheist: the Thoughts I Had on My Journey from Belief in Atheism to Belief in the Biblical God, and the Feasibility of God’s Existence