#3: Is Jesus of Nazareth a Fairy Tale—a Legendary Copy of Pagan Myths? Part 1 (of 2)

#3: Is Jesus of Nazareth a Fairy Tale—a Legendary Copy of Pagan Myths? Part 1 (of 2)

Drs. Norman Geisler and Frank Turek, in their excellent, lay-friendly book, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, present a cogent argument for the historicity of Jesus on the basis of no less than TEN non-Christian historical sources from the first and second centuries! These sources are Josephus, the first-century Jewish historian; Tacitus, the Roman historian; Pliny the Younger, a Roman politician; Phlegon, a freed slave who wrote histories; Thallus, a first-century historian; Seutonius, a Roman historian; Lucian, a Greek satirist; Celsus, a Roman philosopher; Mara Bar-Serapion, a private citizen who wrote to his son; and the Jewish Talmud. Continue reading #3: Is Jesus of Nazareth a Fairy Tale—a Legendary Copy of Pagan Myths? Part 1 (of 2)